I'm nervous.
I don't know what to expect.
This is all new to me.
What if I'm not good?
How long will it be?
Oh well. I'm already here now......blogging that is ;-)
I had to do it. You already know sex sells! But seriously this is kinda exciting. This is just my introductory piece. Not really discussing a subject matter at the moment.
I have a journal, a diary, and numerous poems that I've written, so adding a blog is just another thing to add to that list. I don't discuss my problems with people so writing is a way for me to escape the limitations of reality and go to a completely new world. I got my first diary for Christmas in 1996. I actually received it as a gift from my cousin's mom and considering that I was 8, going on 9, I would much rather have gotten a toy. But for some reason I was attracted to this diary. So that night I decided to write my first entry. I still have that diary to this day and it's really amusing to go back and read it sometimes. If I die, yall have my family publish that for me and tell them PLEASE don't judge me lol. I was young, my perception on life was flawed. I really did have life and BS confused at times.
I'm 22. I'm young but have the knowledge and experiences of some people twice my age. I never claim to know it all but I'm definitely learning a lot on my journey through life.
I said on my page that I'm oxymoron within myself. This is true. I'm rude and kind, I'm selfish and giving, I'm arrogant and humble, etc. You can place labels on people all day. One minute I may do something and you view me one way, and the next it's a totally different perception. Sometimes I exceed expectations and other times I'm the weakest link. I defy whatever labels you give me. I'm a human being. I say what I want. I have no regrets. You either love me or love to hate me. I'm elegantly wreckless...
Well I got that "first time" out the way. Not as good as I hoped but it can only get better from here right?? ;-)