Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An Endless LOVE

In the spirit of it being February and my last blog being about Valentine's Day it's only fitting that I talk about my first love :)

A past made up of obstacles, yet still no regrets
I sit and look upon my life. I reflect.
Images of the struggles that caused defeat.
Faces of the untruthful filled with deceit.

Shattered dreams and feelings of despair
A state of confusion making the future unclear.
A sense of stability I need to sustain.
Yet people, places, and things cause pain.

Floating in a sea of emotion, I fear I might drown.
I turn to music and bathe in the sound.
Sounds of inspiration that give me hope.
So in this sea of emotions I can stay afloat.

When the trials of life have trampled my feelings
The sound of a song provide emotional healing.
I often reflect and sometimes feel useless.
I turn to my first love. I turn to music...

Valentine's Day Massacre

Valentine's Day.
You either love it or you hate it.
People who tend to enjoy this holiday are usually the ones who have someone special to share it with. People's attitude towards the day changes as their relationship status changes.

At the current moment I don't have a valentine. I'm not bitter nor depressed about it because there have been PLENTY of years that my only valentine was my mom :)
It is my belief that if you truly love or care for someone, that should be embraced 365 days a year and not just on one day. I buy my mom, brother, and granny random gifts throughout the year without there ever being an occasion. Random thoughtful acts can get you far!

Love is an absolutely beautiful and amazing concept to me. It can also be a complex thing. In my opinion, to truly understand it, you would have to read the bible. (especially 1 Corinthians, chapter 13). Contrary to the beliefs of many heartbroken, bitter, and scorned men and women-- love doesn't hurt. It doesn't make you sad or cry. It doesn't lie and cheat. PEOPLE do all these things.

When you find love, embrace it! It's beautiful.