I just had a text conversation that lead me to turning on my ipod and pulling out my laptop and just type. This is the product of that conversation and those slow jams I was listening to.
Memories fade, pictures are lost, and I watch time pass
What exactly makes love last?
We’ve been through it all. The trials and tribulations.
So I asked the questions with no expectations
I asked about your future and where you wanna be
Gotta admit, it kinda hurt that it didn’t include me.
You claimed to have it all but something was missing
“He misses you!” I thought….but I know I was tripping
“I really want love. I never had it. I think I’m ready”
I sat there confused and hurt. Eyelids heavy.
As I read the text I wanted to die.
Instead I sucked it up. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry.
I guess it was good that he finally came clean
Still feel played that I bought all the dreams
Maybe I’m naïve or just plain dumb
Because in the back of my mind I feel like I still won
I’ve experienced that love that he yearns for
That selfless love that makes you want a person more and more
I felt that for him though he never felt the same
Experienced a lot of pain but still had something to gain
We both possess our own meaning of the 4 letter word. It can be debated.
All I do know is that my “love” was never reciprocated.
It’s funny because I told myself I would never fall
But I guess it really is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all
I hope he finds a love suitable for the task
Until then I still wanna know what makes love last…