It's 9:27pm.
It's a Friday night and as usual I don't have any plans. I'm flipping through the same few channels and I still can't find anything worth watching. I walk to the kitchen to to get a glass of juice (Simply Lemonade with raspberry to be exact) and come back to my same spot. I'm sure I've been there too long because my body is imprinted on the sofa. I finally turn to Nick at Night and watch some reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bellaire when I feel a vibration on my arm. I look down to see a text on my phone from a name I haven't seen in a while. I open the text and read : "Hey what's good". I'm still in shock that this man text me and I didn't want to seem too anxious so I waited 3 minutes before I text back--"Nothing much. Just sitting here watching tv. What's up?". We went back and forth with a little small talk and after about 20 minutes of texting he asked if he could stop by. Reluctant to respond, I waited a few minutes so I could think about this man's intentions. I haven't talked to this man in forever because he had been giving me all kind of mixed signals and no direct answers. By this time it's 10:13pm. I decided to let him come over so I sent him the text and went to straightening up a few things I had lying around. I had my hair wrapped so I went to my room and took the scarf off so I can look presenatable when he came over.
At around 10:40 I heard a knock at my door and I walked over and was greeted by a man whose embrace I hadn't felt in a long time. I admit, it felt good to be held like that again. We sat on the couch and I offered him a drink but he declined. We laughed and joked about old times and he told me how much he missed my company. The feeling was mutual. After a while of catching up there was an awkard silence in the room and as I was looking at the t.v. I could feel him staring me up and down. I didn't want to look at him because I knew what was liable to happen. A few more minutes went by and as he inched closer to me I felt my heart beating so fast I thought it was going to jump out of my chest!
He rubbed his hand along my right thigh and I pretended like I didn't feel it. All I kept thinking was "what have I gotten myself into?". Here I was sitting next to a man that had done me wrong soooooo many times. He didn't even deserve to be in my presence let along touching my body in any manner. I felt like my mind, my body, and my heart were all at war with one another because as much as I wanted him to stop I couldn't help that my body loved these feelings she had been deprived of for so long.
So I gave in.
This man was doing things I don't think Trey Songz could invent. Felt so good I think they neighbors knew his first, middle, and last name! I don't think any meetings Silk had in their bedroom could compare to the meeting we were having in my living room. This was definitely the best I ever had. His smooth chocolate skin rubbing against this brown sugar he hadn't tasted in so long. It may have been wrong, but at that moment everything felt so right. The way he held me and carressed every part of my body. Quite detail oriented because he made sure every part of me was given the proper attention. He took me to a "happy place" and though I've never been in a choir, he had me hitting notes like I was a soprano. There was nowhere else in the world I'd rather be than on this couch with the one man that knew me better than anybody else.
All of a sudden I feel a vibration on my arm. I look down to see a text.
It was my friend texting me to see if I was dressed for the club we were going to later.
It's 9:27pm
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