You’re content where you are, no need for change.
But you can’t deny these feelings you’re having are strange.
How can he be the ONE when he’s such a jerk.
How do you know he’s not the ONE if you’re scared to make it work?
What if you get hurt? Remember all those nights you cried?
You’re not afraid of heartbreak, you just have too much pride.
No need to blur the lines. He’s not a lover, he’s a friend.
But he does possess the qualities you search for in men.
You don’t want to ruin it. Things are going good.
If you don’t act now you’ll forever be misunderstood.
It’s a difficult situation. What if it doesn’t work out?
At least it gives you the chance to experience what true love is about.
You don’t love him. You’re addicted to wanting what you can’t have.
You know you love him. It’s him you gotta have.
If you tell him how you feel he probably won’t care.
If you don’t tell him you might miss out on a mutual feeling you both share.
He’s a man so like the rest he’ll lie and cheat.
He’s your friend. You know he won’t fill you with such deceit.
It’s all a mistake. You’re infatuated with false bliss.
You can’t deny how you felt during that first kiss.
You’re setting yourself up for nothing but heartache and pain.
Honestly, you know this love isn’t in vain.
Follow me, your MIND, I’m logical and I make sense. I know what’s best.
No, follow me, your HEART, I know your true desires. Don’t be left with regrets.
Conflict of interest. Who do you listen to??

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