The door closes and I know what's next
Tears run down my cheeks as I wonder...why me?
Do I deserve to be treated this way?
The lights are off, but from the scent I can feel he is near.
He thrusts me upon the bed as if I am a mere object and not human.
I feel as he begins to force himself upon my helpless body.
I scream out for the world to save me from this savage beast.
Noone hears my cries and I begin to drown in my own tears.
I gasp for air as he strangles the life from within me.
I can feel the blood as it slowly runs down my thighs.
I lay there as he continues to receive this forced pleasure.
At that moment I wished it would all be over.
I wanted to die.
How could I live when this man has robbed me of my innocence?
I live through this anguish for what seems to be a lifetime.
The tears continue to run down my cheeks as I wonder....why me?
Quick Facts:
Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
17.6 % of women in the United States have survived a completed or attempted rape.
I state these facts to say this: That girl that you can't figure out, the one who may be extra aggressive, or overly promiscuous, or very timid and withdrawn...This could likely be a girl who was a victim of some sort of sexual assault. You're not with any person 24/7 so you don't honestly know everything about a person. You never know what has happened in their past to shape who they are today.
So the girl in this poem could be your sister, your neighbor, or even your best friend.
Just a thought...