Since last Saturday a million thoughts have been going through my head and I've started writing plenty of times but never finished because I couldn't seem to get my thoughts in order or flow in a consistent manner. I even got on my iphone and started jotting down random notes and thoughts. I believe if you write how you feel as soon as a situation happens it conveys more emotion and that's what I did. Instead of going on a rant about different things I've realized these past days, weeks, and months, I decided to write 8 lessons I've learned over these short 23 years of my life. Most of these I had to learn the hard way but it's all good as long as I learned them lol. Oh and 8 is my favorite number that's why I chose it :)
1. Life won’t always take u where u wanna go, but u will always end up where u need to be
I said I would NEVER move to Houston, but I'm here doing what I have to do.
2. When you say, “I love you,” mean it.
"Love" is one of the most overused words in the dictionary and most of us are guilty are using it and not being genuine or sincere. If I tell you I love you it's because I really do. Don't take it for granted.
3. Don't judge people by their relatives or friends
"Birds of a feather flock together" <----- not necessarily true. I have a dynamic, diverse, and unique set of friends. Each one contributes something different.
4. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
Nothing worth having ever comes easily. A lot of us have too much pride to admit this but we are sometimes afraid to let ourselves fall for someone out of fear of being hurt or getting played. That's natural. I definitely fall in that category. I will make somebody hate me before I make them love me or I love them. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. If you have faith in God and trust Him, you have nothing to worry about. While you're trying to figure it out, He's already worked it out :)
5. Spend some time alone
I think of all the lessons I've gotten the hang of this one the best! I spend about 75% of my week by myself, which is probably too much alone time lol. But you should definitely take time out for YOU! When you no longer have that then you're gonna miss it! It's a great spiritual thing as well as a great way for you to learn more about yourself.
6. Talk slowly but think quickly.
If you let a person talk long enough they will reveal their true intentions. Always be slow to speak.
7. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
Just try doing the opposite of everything I just said here and see how miserable your life will be lol.
8. Last but not least, listen to music EVERYDAY!
This is probably my favorite one. I listen to music more than i watch tv or talk on the phone. There is a song for anything you feel. I prefer my music really LOUD. It makes me feel like I can relate and feel the lyrics more lol.
I can go on and on with the things I've learned but those were on my mind for the time being. I'm young and I have so much more life to experience. This blog let me just flow with my thoughts which was good. In my next one I may attempt to attack what I been trying to express these past few days.
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