My thoughts are all over the place! I have so many topics I want to talk about but I'm only going touch on one thing right now. I'll write on some different stuff later.

"I'll never be picture perfect Beyonce// Be light as Al B. or black as Chauncey...but everything I'm not made me everyting I am"
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder but what if that eye has been corrupted by the media? From movies, videos, magazines, etc. you see the stereotypical, cliche "light/fair skin, long hair, perfect shape" woman. Don't get me wrong, there are MANY beautiful women that fit that mold but at the same time there are also just as many beautiful brown, dark skinned women, and short hair women. And a lot of men claim that they just "have a preference", but in all actuality would that have been your preference had not the media made you to believe that it was? Men fantasize about celebrities when they see them in magazines failing to realize that the women themselves don't even look like that in real life. Hello Photoshop! You can't expect a woman you meet to compare to the women you see in the media because not even those can meet those expectations.
And ladies, women invest sooooo much money on fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, makeup, butt pads, etc. Would you still be secure with yourself without all of that? You claim to be real but everything about you is fake?? Don't get me wrong, I don't knock people who have or wear these things because by all means if that's what you like then go for it. My thing is don't get to the point where you feel like you NEED these things. They shouldn't define who you are as a person. Be confident in how beautiful God made you. If only more women knew how beautiful the natural is and more men expressed it...
"I never could see why people reach a fake a** facade that they couldn't keep up//....everything I'm not made me everything I am"
And shoutout to Kanye West for being my favorite rapper! lol :-)